The Science of Stringhalt: Risk factors, Prevention and Treatment.

The Science of Stringhalt: Risk factors, Prevention and Treatment.

Dr Charlie El-Hage from the University of Melbourne, has recently written a comprehensive review article on stringhalt. The paper has subsequently been published in Equine Veterinary Education, the official journal of The American Association of Equine Practitioners.

We present a summary of this work here.

Greasy Heel/Mud Fever - 10 Steps to Effective Treatment.

Greasy Heel/Mud Fever - 10 Steps to Effective Treatment.

Often as painful as it is unsightly and difficult to manage, the key to preventing Greasy Heel/Mud Fever is understanding the underlying risk factors. Most cases are characterised by disruption to the healthy skin barrier, excessive moisture and opportunistic infection. 

The key to treating this condition involves employing a multi-pronged 10 Step Treatment Plan.